Monday, May 18, 2020

Global Issues

The following is a link to the databases Global Issues and Opposing Viewpoints
You can access these sources remotely using the FindIt username and password 
Username: lbhs 
Password: library 

Global Issues in Context
You can use the search bar to look up a specific issue or search under the different categories to see what is listed

Opposing Viewpoints in Context
When you access this you will find articles on your chosen topic that are in opposition to each other as in; "for or against"  

Climate Change - 

United Nations

NY Times

World Bank

Overpopulation -
Sustainability for All

Women's Rights 

Britannica Encyclopedia

National Archives

Nuclear Proliferation
Britannica Encyclopedia

World Nuclear Association


Afghan War

The following sources can be used for information about the Afghan War

Britannica Encyclopedia

The Office of the Historian
The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the US response Afghan War

World History in Context
This is a link to the database's portal for the Afghan War 
You may need to use the username and password for FindIt
Username: lbhs
Password: library 

In the center of the page will be an overview on the topic 
Be sure to access the reference sources and biographies 
Reference sources will give you a good overview of the event beginning - middle - end 
Biographies will list all the important persons involved 

Arab-Israel Conflict

The following links are to resources regarding the Arab-Israel Conflict

The Office of the Historian

Britannica Encyclopedia

This video is a brief history of the region and conflict

The following is a link to the Arab Israel Conflict portal in the World History database
To access this link you may need to put in the username and password for FindIt
Username: lbhs
Password: library
This source has alot of information 
Be sure to click on the link for biographies which will give you full history on the important people attached to this event.
World HIstory in Context- Arab-Israel Conflict

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Senior Project


The purpose of the Senior English Project is to enable students to effect change in our community and/ or school.  This project will be worth two test grades. By completing each day’s agenda, you will earn 10 points a day (100 points in total).  The presentation/ speech will be 100 points in total.

Day 1                                                                                                             
  • Outline your research                                                                                                                    
    1. Describe the issue/ problem
    2. How will resolving this issue benefit others?
    3. Brainstorm what is needed to research:
                                                              i.      Who are the players involved in this issue?
                                                           ii.      What is the historical background of this issue?
                                                         iii.      What policies are involved in this issue?
Day 2
  • List the pros of this issue/ problem
  • Include images and/or visual aids or videos
  • Cite your sources on the bottom of the slide

Day 3
  • List the cons of the issue/ problem
  • Counter-argue the cons
  • Include images and/or visual aids or videos
  • Cite your sources at the bottom of each slide

Day 4
  • What are the laws/ policies involved in this issue?
  • Who are the stakeholders?
  • Include images and/or visual aids or videos
  • Cite your sources at the bottom of each slide

Day 5
  • Detail the solution to your issue/ problem
  • List how people would benefit from your solution.
  • Include images and/or visual aids or videos
  • Cite your sources at the bottom of each slide

Day 6
  • How much will it cost to fund your solution?
  • Who will pay for the solution?
  • Include images and/or visual aids or videos
  • Cite your sources at the bottom of each slide

Day 7
  • How can you build capital for your solution?
  • Include images and citations

Day 8
  • Interview a person who can affect change, or is affected by the problem/ issue.
  • Include a video or a transcript of the interview

Day 9
  • Draw conclusions from the interview about what can/ should be done about the issue or problem from the interview experience
  • Include images and/ or videos

Day 10:
  • Revise and edit your slide show
  • Prepare note cards to use that outline your speech

Day 11 - 15 Presentations
  • 3 to 5 minute presentations!
  • Be sure to speak to us and DO NOT READ FROM YOUR SLIDE SHOW!
Present your slideshow as a background to your speech!

100 Points for Presentation/ Speech

20 Points        Hook and introduction/ relevant background information
ü  Persuasive techniques used to hook audience
ü  Sources cited
ü  Engaging voice and eye contact
20 Points        Persuasive pros and logical counter-arguments to cons
ü  Relevant transitions used to create a logical flow
ü  Logical development
ü  Sources cited
20 Points        What was learned from interview(s) – conclusions drawn?
ü  Thoughtful insights and connections made
20 Points        How this issue can be resolved by what is proposed
ü  Logical; coherent flow of ideas and steps
ü  Persuasive techniques uses
20 Points        What listeners can do to help (call to action)
ü  Use of logical transitions that make the steps easy to follow and understand
ü  Psychological closing clear through language and gestures

Possible Research Project Topics Per Class

  1. teen pregnancy

  1. gang violence in school       

  1. lack of school spirit

  1. homophobia

  1. open campus

  1. poverty-related issues

  1. community entertainment

  1. cell phone distraction/ addiction   

  1. institutional racism

  1. lack of parental involvement and school

  1. truancy/ chronic absenteeism

  1. curriculum design and school success

  1. mandatory drug testing for teachers and students

  1. teachers tenure and merit pay

  1. Community amusement park

  1. Cyber bullying

  1. Gender- neutral spaces

  1. School to prison pipeline

  1. School Cafeteria/ nutrition and success in school

  1. Parent licenses

  1. Approved choice

Monday, April 8, 2019

Pie Pie Pie Pie Pie

Pie Lesson - Brecher

Pie Lesson - Mr. Brecher
Your task is to research the origin and ingredients of your assigned pie to help you become proficient in describing and ultimately creating a pie in class. Remember to write down the citation information for each resource that you use during your research.  Use the websites and databases available to you in the library.  This activity will count as a quiz grade.  As you research your pie, please respond to the following questions:

Pie Lesson Slides

Describe the taste of your pie (10 points)

Identify the composition of this pie: (10 points)
- Filling, Topping and Crust
What is the origin of your pie? Identify the region or country of your pie: (10 points)
At what point during the meal would you serve this pie? How would you classify your pie? (Sweet or Savory)  What is the ideal temperature to serve this pie?

Please describe in detail a variation of your pie.  Apply your knowledge and experience with gourmet foods and build on the knowledge you acquired today to create an original variation of the pie with a modern twist. (10 points)

List of Resources (30 points)

Fill in the information below for each website you found today. (Additional forms are available if needed)
1. Full name of the author of the site (if available) 

2. Name of the article on the website (if available)

3. Name of the website (for example: CNBC or Discover Channel

4. The publisher or sponsor of the site (for example: ehow or National Geographic)

5. The publication or last revised date of the site (hint: usually found at the bottom of the site)

6. The actual address or URL of the site (for example:

7. The date you viewed the site (for example: May 7, 2012)
Exit Activity (20 points)
List one interesting fact about pies and share with the class

Resources - Pie History
Everything Pies
This site provides a brief history of pie and many individual pie facts.

This site includes recipes and healthy eating links.

What’s Cooking America?
This site includes a comprehensive list of individual pie histories and links to recipes.

Food Timeline
This site includes a general overview of pie and pie history.  It also lists recipes and interesting facts about pies.

Derby Pie

History of Pie

Database - Culinary Arts

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Battles of WWII

Using the resources below, you are to research 5 specific World War II battles.  

Invasion of Poland
Operation Barbarossa
Invasion of France
Battle of Britain 
Battle of the Bulge
D-Day (US)
Pearl Harbor (US)
Battle of Stalingrad
Battle of Midway (US)
Invasion of the Philippines (US)

Research needed in your Google Site: 

Include Title of presentation
Who is involved?
Explain what happened during this event
When did it happen?
Where did it occur?
What were the causes of the event?
What were the effects?
Provide 7-10 visual representations of your topic: pictures, maps, graphs, etc 
Include Youtube clip
Websites need to be cited - put in your own words

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Spice Project - Brecher

The Spice of Life

You will research and explore a spice or herb for classroom use. 
Using the links and materials provided you will answer the following questions: 

What does your herb or spice taste like? 

Where does your spice/herb originate from? How does it grow? 

What are some products, dishes and or cuisines that are usually paired with this herb or spice? 

What other herbs or spices does your herb/spice pair well with? 

Does your herb or spice have any non food functions? How much does this herb or spice cost? Why should someone use it in a dish? 

The SpiceHouse (prices) 




Benefits of Herbs&Spices

The Epicenture


In addition to these resources the library has many print sources that can assist you in finding this information.
Please ask for help if you need it :)