Monday, December 20, 2010

Nutrition Lesson - Par Deux

Conduct research about one for the following topics:
Sugar Busters
South Beach Diet
Liquid Diets
Diet Pills

Eating Disorders:
Binge Eating Disorder

Research Sources

Use the following sources to obtain information about the topics listed above:::

Student Resource Center
this data base has information about all of the above topics - use the search bar and type in your topic as you would do when using a search engine

Global Issues in Context
This is also a database - good information on eating disorders - gives an overview of the disorder and provides many sources

A Healthy ME
This is a health related website - search your topic - you will find information on all !!!

Center for Disease Control - good information on eating disorders

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Use the links provided to answer the following questions::::

1) Define Transcendentalism

2) Who are the founders of American Transcendentalism

3) What are the influences of Transcendentalism?

4) What are the beliefs behind Transcendentalism?

5) Do you agree with the ideas of Transcendentalism? Why or why not?

Monday, December 6, 2010

Informative Speech

You will deliver a 3 minute Informative Speech in class.
The following links can be used to help you select your topic and write your speech.

Informative Speech Topics - provides information on planningand delivering your speech

Once you decide on a topic - search the internet using the links on the right to find information for your speech

eHow - online how-to source

We have many books that also may help with this project - please ask!!!!

Persuasive Speech

the following links have been compiled to help you find a topic for your persuasive speech:

Opposing Viewpoints Database

Gale Student Resources in Context

Global Issues Database

Persuasive Speech Topics - this is a website with many ideas for speeches listed - if you choose a topic off this list - you may want to search for information on it using the above database links.
You can search by subject or keyword on each of the 3 database links

Please ask for assistance if you need it!!!!