Thursday, December 15, 2011

Preventable Disease Library Activity

Directions: You will research and explore a preventable disease. The disease must be caused by unhealthy eating habits. You can use online and print sources to obtain your information. Once you have completed the research answer the questions listed below:

What are the warning signs of this disease?
What can cause this disease?
What are some foods that cause this disease?
What foods prevent the onset of this disease?
Please plan 3 meals (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner) and 1 snack that will prevent someone from developing this preventable disease.

The following diseases are linked to information:

High Blood Pressure

High Blood Cholesterol

Diabetes Type 2

Heart Disease


Congestive Heart Failure



Endometrial Cancer

Breast Cancer

Prostate Cancer

Colon Cancer

Complications of Pregnancy & Reproductive Health




Gallbladder Disorders

Distorted Body Image

Eating Disorders

Low Self Esteem

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Biography Project

For this assignment, each student will receive the name of an individual who made a significant contribution to American society.

Assignment Purposes:
To come to understand how a particular person's experiences can illuminate our understanding of the period and circumstances in which he/she lived.To learn to do research of the sort professional historians do; locating, examining, and using appropriate source materials, and presenting one's findings to readers.The finished project should be 4 to 5 pages in length consisting of the following:


Biographical Sketch:
a) A factual account of the person's life, emphasizing aspects that are of historical significance.

b)Provide evidence and explanation of the person's historical contribution(s) and significance.Evidence must be documented with references and citations to sources.How and why is this person considered to be important?What does her or his life tell us about the times in which he/she lived; about important social, scientific, cultural, economic, or political developments; about the United States at the time?

Annotated Bibliography:
You are to create a list of reliable and relevant sources that illuminate your person's life and contributions. This list should include the sources that you used for this project as well as others that you can identifiy that may be available for research.

To get started with your research - you will find the following helpful:

Worldcat - a catalogue of material in libraries around the world- create a free account to use this site.

Library of Congress - search materials of your person - clicking the links provided will give you info you need for your anotated bibliography

Smithsonian - History & Culture

United States Holocaust Museum

National Archives - follow the link for general public access

Student Resource Center - remote use password: "empirelink"

Biography Resource Center - remote use password: "empirelink"

Friday, December 2, 2011

Consciousnes and Sleep Project - Psychology

You will work as an individual or with a partner to present research on one of the topics listed below. Try selecting a topic the topics listed below. Try selecting a topic that you are interested in researching and would like to learn more about. The project will be partially completed in class but will require additional time outside of the classroom.

You may choose to write an essay(2-3 pages), create a PowerPoint (10slides) or create a collage

Follow the detailed assigment sheet

Choose your topic:

Sleep Cycle*******Purpose of Dreaming
Analyses of Dreams(focus on common dreams or analyze yours)*******Nightmares
Cultural Views of Dreams*******Night Terrors
Sigmund Freud's Theory of Dreams******Sleep Walking
Sleep Talking******Insomnia
Narcolepsy*****Sleep Apnea
Healthy Sleep routines*****Adolescences and Sleep

Use the following sites to conduct your research:::

Student Resources Database

CDC-Sleep Disorders

WebMD-Sleep Disorders

Pediatric SleepDisorders