Senior English Project
The purpose of the Senior English Final Project is to enable students to affect change in our community. During the project, students will complete the following:
1. A 3 - 5 page research paper that examines a school-related or community issue and proposes a solution
2. A 5 minute multi-media presentation that outlines the problem and persuasively presents the solution
3. An interview with a person(s) involved or affected by the issue
4. A proposal for the research paper with costs, dates, solutions, project plans, etc.
This project will be worth 20% of your quarter grade.
Due Dates:
Due Date Points
1. Library/ Internet Research May 17-20
2. Proposal
a. Describe the issue May 20 4
b. What do I already know? May 20 4
i. What is your point of entry?
ii. How will resolving this issue benefit others?
c. What do I need to know? May 23 4
i. Who are the players involved in this issue?
ii. What policies are involved in this issue?
iii. What will I plan to research? (policies, laws, who does this issue impact…)
d. What is the counter-argument? May 24-25 4
e. What is the solution? May 26-27 4
3. Works Cited (MLA) May 27 10
4. First draft May 31 20
5. Final Paper with Works Cited (MLA) June 3 30
6. Presentation June 6-10 20
Some Possible Project Topics
(Topics have to be approved and presentation dates will be given)
This is a link to the High School Databases
Username: lbhs
Password: library
teen pregnancy
violence in school
medical issues
lack of school spirit
open campus
class disruption
poverty-related issues
cell phone distraction
suicide prevention
class size
self-selection vs. tracking
lack of parental involvement
lack of technology (or functioning technology)
structural design of the building
positive recreation options