College Prep Final Project
College Life Presentations (200 pts)
Project Steps:
1) Narrow the Topic - when searching for information on a broad topic, think of key words to help you get the information you want. When using book sources, consult the index to pinpoint the information you are looking for. Internet and database searches can be narrowed by using and, or, not in your search. Example(s): Greek life and pledging, campus living and date rape.
You can also use the "+" sign to add to your search (college+depression)
2) Write a Proposal - include a Thesis Statement of your narrowed topic, your proposed solution and a detailed description of you Visual Aid
Visual Aid: Chart, Handout, Video, Power Point etc
3) Paper - MLA format (see format links) 5 pages including: Title page, parenthietical or in text citations, and works cited page. (see link to Noodletools for free MLA format account)
4 valid sources including one book or journal
4) List of Topics -
Adjusting to freedom from parents
Freshman 15
Commuting vs Living on Campus
Balancing Athletics and Academics
Exploring one's sexuality
Managing Time
Connection between ethnic groups and admissions policies
Ensuring personal safety
Political corruptness on campus
Campus crime - protecting personal property
Coping with homesickness
Eating disorders
Binge drinking in Greek life
College costs & financial management
Pressures of military schools
Drug abuse
Managing personal finances
Date Rape
Religious life on campus
Dorm issues
Suicide prevention
Hazing in Greek life
Poor academic skills
Links for project -
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