Friday, March 6, 2009

Literary Criticism Paper - Mrs. Frishman

Choose one of the works read during our Womens Unit as your primary source. Find scholarly articles that support your analysis.

The Internet Public Library has articles available for many literary works as well as information on authors. This site also explains Literary Criticism.

Paper Topics:

1) Identify how a work triggered an emotional response in you or an emotional discovery.
Consider what happens during the reading process.

2) Analyze a work's literary elements; theme, tone, mood, symbolism, etc. Consider how it helps
construct meaning within the work.

3) Analyze the motivations behind the writing that help shape meaning in the text. Consider
how gender roles help shape meaning in the text, or how sexual desires help shape meaning in
the text, or how unconscious fears help shape meaning in the text.

4) Analyze the text as a reflection of society as it opposes or reinforces a male-centered culture
and the stereotypes and oppression of women. Observe and challenge the role women play in the text and decide whether or not this role is appropriate. Pay particular attention to the strength of women both as writers and characters.

Using the web address, - you can access Long Island Univerisity's CW Post Library link. From this link you can access the databases available through Post.
Once entering the database link - choose Literature then from the annotations available choose a database that best describes what you need (example: Criticism)
You can use the barcode: 21289001049661 to download articles relevent to your topic.

You can also access the Suffolk Library Web and utilize the sources there. Once entering the site, click on E Resources on the left hand side.
You will use the barcode: 21248001400456 and password jordan
The databases available through this site will also have full length articles and literary critiques.

Don't forget that there are links to search engines available on the right of this page.