Thursday, April 2, 2009

Environmental Problems of the World

You will be researching one of the major environmental problems in the world.
Working in pairs, you will present this information to the class using a Power Point Presentation.

The presentation will include the following:

A definition or explanation of the problem

A list of the causes of thie problem

A list of possible solutions to this problem

Be sure to explain the problem clearly.
This project will count as 3 grades:

- cause and effect essay

- oral presentation of your project

- a chart you complete as your classmates give their presentations

Power Point due: April 12th
Essay due: April 13th

Possible Topics:

Global Warming

Resources for your project:

Science Online
Gives definition, causes/effects of problem and possible solutions
Username: lbhs Password: lbhs

Many journal articles and essays on the problem to choose from
Username: beachhs Password: long

ThinkQuest- Environmental Problems Website Geography - Global change and climate issues

**don't forget you can search the internet using the links for different search engines listed on the right of this page**