Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Feudal Japan

Select 2 of the 4 topics below for research.

Geography of Japan

Investigate the impact of typhoons on the history of Japan

What does kamikaze mean?

Investigate the impact of earthquakes on the history of Japan

Explain the "Ring of Fire" and its impact on Japan


What is Kami?

What does Shinto mean?

What is a ritual?

Explain the beginning of Shintoism

Discuss Shintoism in Japan today

Emperor and Shogun

Define Emperor, Daimyo, and Shogun

Explain the complex power structure in feudal Japan

Samurai and Bushido

Define Samurai and Bushido

Explain the Samurai's life; the training, the arms and armor, castles and lives of Samurai women

Feudal Japan

Japanese History

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

SUPA Writing - Argument Essay

An Argument Essay
An effective academic argument requires important characteristics of analysis such as; precise language, attention to detail, a willingness to suspend judgement and preconceived notions, and a questioning mind.

Topic Of Inquiry
You will read about, debate, research and inquire into some issues related to the body. You will identify a current political, social or popular controversy.
The following are examples:
immigration policies
arts & athletics

Point of Entry
Many of you have found a point of entry - it is important to be interested in your topic and have a real interest in learning more about it. This will make your research easier!!!

Library Research
Using your desire to learn more about your topic, you are required to utilize a minimum of 4 sources. The following are the requirements:
an interview with an expert or an observation
one or more of the essays used in class (applicable)
a book, journal or magazine
database sources, including at least one scholarly text
a website or weblog - if reliable

Database Sources::::

Opposing Viewpoints

Student Resources in Context

Global Issues in Context

Evaluating WebResources - Cornell Univ

Due Date: 12-10-10