Wednesday, November 17, 2010

SUPA Writing - Argument Essay

An Argument Essay
An effective academic argument requires important characteristics of analysis such as; precise language, attention to detail, a willingness to suspend judgement and preconceived notions, and a questioning mind.

Topic Of Inquiry
You will read about, debate, research and inquire into some issues related to the body. You will identify a current political, social or popular controversy.
The following are examples:
immigration policies
arts & athletics

Point of Entry
Many of you have found a point of entry - it is important to be interested in your topic and have a real interest in learning more about it. This will make your research easier!!!

Library Research
Using your desire to learn more about your topic, you are required to utilize a minimum of 4 sources. The following are the requirements:
an interview with an expert or an observation
one or more of the essays used in class (applicable)
a book, journal or magazine
database sources, including at least one scholarly text
a website or weblog - if reliable

Database Sources::::

Opposing Viewpoints

Student Resources in Context

Global Issues in Context

Evaluating WebResources - Cornell Univ

Due Date: 12-10-10