Thursday, March 3, 2011

Argumentation and Research

Your Assignment: Research one of the topics listed below and use your research to support the scenario that you choose.

Scenario A: You have been elected to be an advocate for a student with special needs. Your job is to ensure that this student receives the best possible education and opportunities. The school board, parents and students have expressed their concern about "your" special needs student attending their school. Your job is to educate the panel about your student's differences and exceptionalities, as well as to convince the panel that the student will be an asset and not a liability in the school's community.

Scenario B: You have been elected to lead the panel of board members, parents, students, faculty and community members advocating that the special needs students represented should be placed in a separate facility or a special needs school and NOT mainstreamed into the public educational system. Within your paper make sure to cite the research that supports your argument.

Bi-Polar Disorder
Asperger's Syndrome
Sensory Disorders
Borderline Personality Disorders
Selective Mutes
Phobias & Anxiety
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Cerebral Palsy

Some Resources::

Encyclopedia of Psychology

American Psychological Association

Gale Student Resources in Context

Opposing Viewpoints

Psychology Information