Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sr. English Documented Argument - Mr. Hartmann

Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles (stories from) raise issues related to our world. You will identify a topic brought up in the reading that is currently being debated and discussed in a variety of media at the local, national and global levels.

Here are some examples you may consider:

Anxieties of Suburbia
Environmental pollution
Nuclear arms race/Nuclear capabilities
Cynicism about family life
Pessimism about progress
People in the masses (population as a whole - not individuals)
Sexism/gender roles
Fear of the unknown
Contemporary American values
Government Control(finance control, forced military service)
Conflict of Science vs. Religion

Your Task:
Use a close analysis of Bradbury's work and what he suggests about a topic only as a point of entry to your own documented argument about some aspect of one of the topics - take your own position only after thoroughly researching the topic and considering the arguments already out there.

You must use at least 3 credible outside sources - one of which must be a scholarly journal article
Other sources can be books, web sources, magazine or newspaper articles or an interview with an expert

We will work together both in and out of class to generate strong thinking about our topics and to write our ideas as persuasively as possible. Your essay must be 3-5 pages, carefully and consistently edited, typed doublespaced in 12point Times New Roman font. It must include an original title, in-text citations, and a Works Cited page following MLA format.

You must also incude a reflection letter attached to the back of the paper.

Use the following resources to research topics and find good sources:

Opposing Viewpoints

Student Resources in Context

Global Issues in Context