Tuesday, September 24, 2013

IB HOTA Colonial Revolutions

IB HOTA:  Colonial Revolutions

Please keep in mind that you are in college-level course and your work must reflect that in order to earn a high mark.

Required Slides:  (You are not limited to these)

Background – make sure there is enough detail to provide a deep understanding of the revolution. 

Causes (short and long term)

Effects (short and long term)

Key historical figures

Minimum of two maps

Art, folklore, music, poetry, etc… which represents the revolution movement.  Please try to find iconic examples.  This enriches the project so try to use multiple examples.

Works-cited slide (all work must be properly cited)

Options:  Your group on must pick one of the following topics


Gran Colombia (Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, and Panama)



United Provinces of Central America (El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras)

Other info:  Your group must be ready to present on the assigned day.  If you are not ready on your assigned day, the entire group will lose 10 points!

You project will receive a group grade unless other arrangements have been made.

Project will count as a test grade.

Make sure to choose your font sizes and colors wisely!  The entire class needs to be able to see the slides! 

Avoid using too much text on one slide!  Be sure to break up text using bullets.

Get along with your group members by being considerate and completing your portion on time.

PPT must be saved on a flash drive and email.
The following links will provide you with research information for the above mentioned topics:
In addition to these sources please see the websites collected under the heading "Good Research Sources" on the library website