Wednesday, January 28, 2015

9th Grade Social Studies Research Project - Migration

Create an account in GoogleDrive and share a folder with your teacher.
Create an account in NoodleTools and create a bibliography for 2 sources
Answer questions pertaining to your research and share with your teacher on GoogleDrive

We will be using GoogleDrive to interact and complete this project

   The following link will be used to create a citation page for your sources:           


Use the following links to conduct your research:

BBC- The Story of Africa

World History in Context
Password:  long_log

What is Human Migration? - National Geographic

The Human Journey - National Geographic

Bantu People - Britannica

Bantu Migration - Interactive Map

After you have gathered your sources and cited them on NoodleTools, answer the following questions - open a document in your GoogleDrive account and then share it with your teacher.

What does migrate mean?

List 3 reasons why people migrate.

What is the impact of migration?