In groups of two, you will research an assigned congressional committee. The class will examine the roles of committees and subcommittees in Congress. The following are the areas you must address for the assignment. This is not an assignment where you need to be creative - just clear and informative. The more you research, the better your assignment will be. You can choose to create a Prezi or PPT to present to the class. Presentation can include video (news clips) and visuals. This assignment should be divided into the following sections:
List the functions of Legislative Committees
Define the different types of committees: Standing Committees, Select Committees, Joint Committees & Conference Committees
List the functions of Legislative Subcommittees
Choose two committees from the House and two committees from the Senate
- answer the following questions for each committee:
What is the jurisdiction and responsibility of the committee?
What issues is the committee working on currently?
Who are the leaders of each party on the committee? List their titles of applicable
How many members are there?
What is the breakdown of people on the committee?
What bills and issues is your committee presently addressing?
Is this committee broken down into subcommittees?
Are there differences between the House and Senate committees?
Use the following resources to assist in your research:
Congressional Committees
House of Representatives