What: The growth and development of trans-regional trade networks
When: 600C.E. - 1600 C.E.
Where: Asia, Africa and Europe
Why & How: To what extent did trans-regional trade networks, like the Silk Road, influence the development of world history?
Using the resources listed below and the print sources made available research and complete the following Plan of Investigation:
This investigation seeks to identify the impact of trans-regional trade networks from the period of 600-1600 C.E. The body of the investigation describes the important characteristics of the Silk Road. The lasting impact of the Silk Road as a trans-regional trade network will be identified, examined and analyzed. In the conclusion, the information will be summarized, justifying the thesis statement that the trans-regional trade network of The Silk Road had a lasting economic, social and political impact on world history
Research Project
World History in Context
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World History Collection
Biography Resource Center
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Marco Polo: Book of Ser
Asia Silk Road: Spreading Ideas and Innovations
Smithsonian - Caravan Kingdoms- Yemen and the Incense Trade
Ancient History Encyclopedia - The Silk Road
Trade Routes across Africa
MetMuseum African Trade Routes
Harvard Lecture - Silk Road
How Ancient Trade Changed the World
Find It - World Book
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