Sunday, December 20, 2009
Group Project- A Separate Peace - 10H
Using the following links you will access literaray analysis of this novel and the themes you choose to explore.
Questia - internet source of literary topics and themes
Literature Resource Center
Contemporary Literature
Monday, December 14, 2009
Social Awareness Projest - Mrs. Frishman
Literature Resource Database - search social issues and a keyword search. Look at the categories on the left - you can reduce your search using these subjects. You can also search your individual issue as a keyword search. Using the + sign you can add to your search such as, homosexuality+modern literature.
Additionally, you can also access the Suffolk Library Web and utilize the sources there. Once entering the site, click on E Resources on the left hand side. You will use the barcode: 21248001400456 and password jordanWithin this collection of databases - you might find information on your topic in the database Points of View
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
AP English 12 - Visual Interpretive Analysis
Picture Analysis - incudes information on visual analysis - this is a good place to start!
Notable Picture Books - this site gives information on certain picture book titles and insight into why the author/illustrator used certain text or drawings.
Literature Resource Database - search "picture books" as a keyword search - the articles that are returned for this search may be helpful to you. Look at the categories on the left - you can reduce your search using these subjects.
Caldecott Award - this is from the American Library Association's website - this page is devoted to the Caldecott which is an award for illustrations given annually. This page includes the criteria for becoming a Caldecott winner.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Human Rights Violation Project
First you will need to choose a topic - here is a list to get you thinking:
Trail of Tears
Japanese Internment
Apartheid in S.Africa
African Slave Trade
Emmet Till
Rosa Parks
Little Rock 9/Segregation in Schools
Human Trafficking
Suffrage in America/Right to Vote
Along the side of this blog are links to websites and databases.
Places to look for information include: CQResearcher & Topics - both have information on these topics as well as other.
Additionally, you can also access the Suffolk Library Web and utilize the sources there. Once entering the site, click on E Resources on the left hand side. You will use the barcode: 21248001400456 and password jordanWithin this collection of databases - you might find information on your topic in the database Points of View
Of course, you can always search your topic using a search engine - just be aware of who or what is producing the information. On the top of this blog in the green on the right is a link Criteria this is a list of questions you should ask yourself when evaluating a websource!!!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
SUPA Writing - The Documented Argument
Some examples are:
Immigration policies, War, Health insurance, Athletic training, Performance enhancing drug use, Food, Tattooing, Cutting, Clothing styles, Prostitution, Rape, Abortion
On the right of this blog in the links are several places you can look for information on your topic.
The databases, Teen Health and Wellnes and CQResearcher are good places to start.
You are looking for scholarly articles to support your argument.
Additionally, you can also access the Suffolk Library Web and utilize the sources there. Once entering the site, click on E Resources on the left hand side. You will use the barcode: 21248001400456 and password jordan
Within this collection of databases - you might find information on your topic under these headings:
Points of View
Proquest Platinum Magazine
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Student Resource Center
Also - WE HAVE PLENTY OF BOOKS!!!!!! So please ask us and we will be happy to help you find something on your topic :)
Monday, November 2, 2009
Medieval Weaponry
All Things Medieval
Medieval Period
(a list of Medieval weapons)
TimeReference- Medieval History
Monday, October 26, 2009
William Golding's Lord of The Flies
William Golding and the Nobel Peace Prize:
Nobel Peace Prize - Official Website
William Golding
William Golding - Author Study:
Symbolism in LOTF:
Literary Symbolism
Literary Themes
Literary Databases:
Literature Resource Center Password = empirelink
Galegroup Password = empirelink
Writing a Lesson Plan
Thursday, October 22, 2009
The Rhetorical/Visual Analysis
For this project I have gathered a few sources where you can look for information
Please utilize the following links as a resource for information for this assignment.These sources along with the links on the right to different search engines - including Google Scholar will help you formulate and support your analysis. The Internet Public Library has information rhetorical analysis . You may need to look several places to find information you can use.
Using the web address, - you can access Long Island Univerisity's CW Post Library link. From this link you can access the databases available through Post.Once entering the database link - choose Psychology then explore different keyword searches you can use in the databases available such as marketing psychology.
What other subjects (databases) can you search - browse the main menu of the databases available.
You can use the barcode: 21289001049661 to download articles relevent to your topic.
You can also access the Suffolk Library Web and utilize the sources there. Once entering the site, click on E Resources on the left hand side. You will use the barcode: 21248001400456 and password jordan The databases available through this site will also have full length articles and literary critiques
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Science Research 2 - Journal Search
You may need to look several places to find different articles .Using the web address, - you can access Long Island Univerisity's CW Post Library link. From this link you can access the databases available through Post.Once entering the database link - choose Science then from the annotations available choose a database that best describes what you need (example: Biology) You can use the barcode: 21289001049661 to download articles relevent to your topic - Science Online and Science Direct are 2 places that might make a good start!!! :)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Science Research 1 - Researching an Important Scientist
How do you begin research?
There are good habits to develop when beginning a research project. The first is to decide what it is you want or need to know.
Here is your project:
You will research a scientist of your choice. There are 2 parts to this project.
Part One::: 3-5 page research paper
cover page with a creative title(name, teacher's name, class, date due
and reference section)
*** 2-3 credible references are required
Part Two::: Power Point Presentation/ 5-8minute oral presentation on your
chosen scientist
To begin this project you need to choose a scientist you would like to know more about.
One place to begin is using a search engine and searching the scientist using his or her name.
Search by first then last name and then switch it.
Does this change the information you receive?
Try using your scientist of choice's name then adding a (+) and attaching the contribution they made or the type of science they study(ied)
Ex.: Jonas Salk+vaccinations
When using an internet source, it is important to review whether the source is "good"
Please follow the link at the top of the blog on the right to review an individual source to see if it fits the criteria of an acceptable source.
Databases are a great place to search for information because all the sources compiled in a database are "good"!!!! This will make your research easier.
The following links are to databases that might contain information suitable for this project:
Science Online
Username: lbhs Password: lbhs
Follow the link for biographies - you can search for a person by name or by the discipline of science
Suffolk Web
to use this link you will need my bar code: 21248001400456 and password: jordan
this will bring you to Suffolk County's Eresources of databases available through the library system.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
SAT Prep Class
The following site gives online examples and practice quizzes on many aspects of good grammar:
Grammar Site
The following link is to a site that provides practice tests
Password: jordan
Define the following common sentence error topics:
- Subject-verb agreement - verb forms or tense
- Idioms - Word choice (i.e., accept vs except)
- Pronoun-antecedent agreement
- Comparisons - Pronoun choice
- Adjectives and adverbs - Double negatives
- Parallel construction
Wednesday 7-15-09
Define the following topics commonly tested in Improving Sentences:
Run-on sentences
subject-verb agreement
sentence fragments
redundancy or wordiness
verb forms and tenses
****any duplicates from the list of sentence error topics do not need redefining**
Please see the links located under Additional Resources - several good links for grammar and sentence writing have been added
Once this is completed please go to the Sadlier-Oxford site and choose the student center from here choose Grammar workshop then choose green level and choose unit 1.
Please visit FREERICE.COM
On this site you will define words while helping provide food for poor countries.
Add words you don't know to your own vocab lists
Pay attention to how you decipher the meaning of words you don't know
Are you looking for the root word?
We will finish the Grammar Packet today
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The Great Gatsby - English 11H
Please utilize the following links as a resource for critiques and information for the research paper.These sources along with the links on the right to different search engines - including Google Scholar will help you formulate and support your Thesis Statement The Internet Public Library has articles available for many literary works as well as information on authors. This site also explains Literary Criticism
You may need to look several places to find different critiques of this work.Using the web address, - you can access Long Island Univerisity's CW Post Library link. From this link you can access the databases available through Post.Once entering the database link - choose Literature then from the annotations available choose a database that best describes what you need (example: Criticism) You can use the barcode: 21289001049661 to download articles relevent to your topic.
You can also access the Suffolk Library Web and utilize the sources there. Once entering the site, click on E Resources on the left hand side. You will use the barcode: 21248001400456 and password jordan The databases available through this site will also have full length articles and literary critiques
There are many articles and critiques written on this particular work. You high school library also has a number of books that may be helpful. These are located on the special reserve cart near the Librarian's desk.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mr. Bialick English 9R: Social Issues Paper
Assignment Requirements:
- 2 to 3 page paper plus a work cited page
- paper must include : 2 direct quotations from an outside source
- MLA format
Please note the links along the right side of this blog.
CQ Researcher
Teen Health and Wellness
These are all good places to look for information about your social issue of choice there is also a link to the CDC-Center for Disease Control
Two of the above sites requires IDs for access.
They are as follows:
Username: beachhs
Password: long
Teen Health and Wellness
Username: lbhs
Password: health
You can also utilize the links to different search engines - as always: consider your source before using it!!!!
Anyone looking for assistance with research or creating a work cited page - please come see me in the library - Ms. Salvador
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Ms. Koegel's Literary Paper Assignment - 11R
Here is a list of some of the themes
- dealing with death
- war in the world and within oneself
- suicide
- the impact of the 70's
- prevalence of racism
- harms of prejudice
- learning to adapt to a new way of life
- family influence and relationships
- finding one's identity
- perception or role of women within the novel
Searching the Topics:
Many of these topics can be found in Galegroup
This is a database available to Long Beach HS
The password is empirelink
You can research your topic by searching the subject - if you are not getting the information you want try expanding or reducing your search by using the words, "and, or, not" you can also use the symbol "+"
Examples: PTSD and Vietnam War or historical event+Vietnam War
On the side of this Blog are links to many different search engines - you can also research your topic using these. Use the words listed above to help define your search and remember to check your source!!!! As you know, not all information on the internet is accurate.
There is also a link to CQResearcher - this is another database - there is an opposing viewpoints section that may help with some of the themes above.
Additionally, the Internet Public Library has articles available for many literary works as well as information on authors. This site also explains Literary Criticism
Two more good resources for literary criticism are:
Using the web address, - you can access Long Island Univerisity's CW Post Library link. From this link you can access the databases available through Post.Once entering the database link - choose Literature then from the annotations available choose a database that best describes what you need (example: Criticism) You can use the barcode: 21289001049661 to download articles relevent to your topic.You can also access the Suffolk Library Web and utilize the sources there. Once entering the site, click on E Resources on the left hand side. You will use the barcode: 21248001400456 and password jordan The databases available through this site will also have full length articles and literary critiques
Other places to get information::
Vietnam War Draft Stories
Library of Congress: Women's History
Women's History - contains tour of Nazi Camps
Information on non-Jewish Holocaust survivors
Children of the Holocaust
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Kite Runner - Critical Analysis
Many times, authors write pieces of literature in order to make specific comments about history.
Please utilize the following links as a resource for critiques and information for the research paper.These sources along with the links on the right to different search engines - including Google Scholar will help you formulate and support your Thesis Statement
The Internet Public Library has articles available for many literary works as well as information on authors. This site also explains Literary Criticism
Since this book was written recently, you may need to look several places to find different critiques of this work.
Using the web address, - you can access Long Island Univerisity's CW Post Library link. From this link you can access the databases available through Post.Once entering the database link - choose Literature then from the annotations available choose a database that best describes what you need (example: Criticism) You can use the barcode: 21289001049661 to download articles relevent to your topic.You can also access the Suffolk Library Web and utilize the sources there. Once entering the site, click on E Resources on the left hand side. You will use the barcode: 21248001400456 and password jordan The databases available through this site will also have full length articles and literary critiques
It may be helpful to also explore the history of Afghanistan and its people. The following links can be utillized to do this:
Afghanistan's Website
National Geographic - Afghanistan
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Environmental Problems of the World
Working in pairs, you will present this information to the class using a Power Point Presentation.
The presentation will include the following:
A definition or explanation of the problem
A list of the causes of thie problem
A list of possible solutions to this problem
Be sure to explain the problem clearly.
This project will count as 3 grades:
- cause and effect essay
- oral presentation of your project
- a chart you complete as your classmates give their presentations
Power Point due: April 12th
Essay due: April 13th
Possible Topics:
Global Warming
Resources for your project:
Science Online
Gives definition, causes/effects of problem and possible solutions
Username: lbhs Password: lbhs
Many journal articles and essays on the problem to choose from
Username: beachhs Password: long
ThinkQuest- Environmental Problems Website Geography - Global change and climate issues
**don't forget you can search the internet using the links for different search engines listed on the right of this page**
Monday, March 23, 2009
Famous People With Disabilities
Use the following questions as a guide for your research:
About the person:::::
Why is this person famous?
Where was this person born? When?
When did this person become disabled?
Has this person done anything to help others with the same disability?
What kind of qualities helped this person overcome their disability?
If you could meet this person, what is the one question you would ask?
The Disability:::::
How many people suffer from this disability?
Are there other famous people with the same disability?
How does this disability effect this person's everyday life?
Here are a links that will bring you to good information regarding the famous person of your choice and or the disability that they have:::::
Disabled World - this website lists the disorder or disability that your famous person had or has - click on the link to that disorder/disability and see if your person is listed.
Disability Social History Project - This site provides information on many disabled persons and also links to other sources of good information
Animal Farm - Critical Analysis Research
Please utilize the following links as a resource for critiques and information for the research paper.
These sources along with the links on the right to different search engines - including Google Scholar will help you formulate and support your Thesis Statement
The Internet Public Library has articles available for many literary works as well as information on authors. This site also explains Literary Criticism
Using the web address, - you can access Long Island Univerisity's CW Post Library link. From this link you can access the databases available through Post.Once entering the database link - choose Literature then from the annotations available choose a database that best describes what you need (example: Criticism) You can use the barcode: 21289001049661 to download articles relevent to your topic.You can also access the Suffolk Library Web and utilize the sources there. Once entering the site, click on E Resources on the left hand side. You will use the barcode: 21248001400456 and password jordan The databases available through this site will also have full length articles and literary critiques
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Bullying - Prevention - Ms. O'Shea's Class
Stop Bullying Now
National Crime Prevention Council
Friday, March 6, 2009
Literary Criticism Paper - Mrs. Frishman
The Internet Public Library has articles available for many literary works as well as information on authors. This site also explains Literary Criticism.
Paper Topics:
1) Identify how a work triggered an emotional response in you or an emotional discovery.
Consider what happens during the reading process.
2) Analyze a work's literary elements; theme, tone, mood, symbolism, etc. Consider how it helps
construct meaning within the work.
3) Analyze the motivations behind the writing that help shape meaning in the text. Consider
how gender roles help shape meaning in the text, or how sexual desires help shape meaning in
the text, or how unconscious fears help shape meaning in the text.
4) Analyze the text as a reflection of society as it opposes or reinforces a male-centered culture
and the stereotypes and oppression of women. Observe and challenge the role women play in the text and decide whether or not this role is appropriate. Pay particular attention to the strength of women both as writers and characters.
Using the web address, - you can access Long Island Univerisity's CW Post Library link. From this link you can access the databases available through Post.
Once entering the database link - choose Literature then from the annotations available choose a database that best describes what you need (example: Criticism)
You can use the barcode: 21289001049661 to download articles relevent to your topic.
You can also access the Suffolk Library Web and utilize the sources there. Once entering the site, click on E Resources on the left hand side.
You will use the barcode: 21248001400456 and password jordan
The databases available through this site will also have full length articles and literary critiques.
Don't forget that there are links to search engines available on the right of this page.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Religions of the World
Remember that your presentation should include the following information:
Name of religion
Areas of the world where it is practiced
Major holidays and their significance
Behavior expected of members of this religion
Intro to World Religions
Religion Facts
Religions Tolerance
Just the Facts
United Religions Intiative
Religions of the World Summary
Sunday, February 8, 2009
History 102: Biography Project
Assignment Purposes:
To come to understand how a particular person's experiences can illuminate our understanding of the period and circumstances in which he/she lived.
To learn to do research of the sort professional historians do; locating, examining, and using appropriate source materials, and presenting one's findings to readers.
The finished project should be 5 to 6 pages in length consisting of 2 parts of approximately equal length.
Biographical Sketch: a) A factual account of the person's life, emphasizing aspects that are of historical significance.
b) Provide evidence and explanation of the person's historical contribution(s) and significance. Evidence must be documented with references and citations to sources.
How and why is this person considered to be important?
What does her or his life tell us about the times in which he/she lived; about important social, scientific, cultural, economic, or political developments; about the United States at the time?
Annotated Bibliography: You are to create a list of reliable and relevant sources that illuminate your person's life and contributions. This list should include the sources that you used for this project as well as others that you can identify that may be available at the Bird Library and those that are unavailable.
To get started with your research - you will find the following helpful:
"Research Starting Points" - easy to use great place to start!!
Also check out: Reference Services/Research Assistance
To search for books related to your person, begin with the SUMMIT Local Catalog
This is the electronic catalog for the Syracuse University Library.
Other library holdings (what books and resources a library has) plus articles from magazines, journals and newspapers can be found at the
Databases Main Menu - some of the indexes that you might find useful for this project are listed on your project outline.
Be sure to explore the reference materials available at Bird and also in your High School library.
The Internet is a valid place to look for information just be sure to check the integrity of the source!!!!
Links to search engines listed in your project are available on this blog.
Help is available from Bird Library's Reference Desk and the Library's History Specialist, Mark Weimer: