The purpose of the Senior English Project is to enable students to affect change in our community.
During the project students will complete the following:
3-5 page research paper that examines a school related or community issue and proposes a solution
5 minute multi media presentation that outlines the problem and persuasively presents the solution
Interview with a person involved or affected by the issue
Proposal for the research paper with costs, dates, etc
This project will be worth 20% of your quarter grade
Some possible topics for your project:
teen pregnancy class size
violence in school self-selection vs. tracking
medical issues self-segregation
lack of school spirit racism
gangs promiscuity
homophobia lack of parental involvement
open campus lack or technology
vandalism truancy
theft structural design of the building
class disruption curriculum
poverty-related issues positive recreation
cell phone distraction
Please use the following links to conduct your research:
Health and Wellness Resource Center
password: long_log
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
School Violence ****self-selection vs. tracking ****** tracking
School Spirit ************* self-segregation ******** self-segregation2
Gangs ************ lack of parental involvement
Open campus ******************* lack of technology **** lack of technology2
Cell phone distraction ****************** truancy
Class Size **************************** curriculum ********Class size2