Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Preventable Disease Library Activity - Spring

Directions: You will research and explore a preventable disease. The disease must be caused by unhealthy eating habits. You can use online and print sources to obtain your information. Once you have completed the research answer the questions listed below:

What are the warning signs of this disease?
What can cause this disease?
What are some foods that cause this disease?
What foods prevent the onset of this disease?
Please plan 3 meals (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner) and 1 snack that will prevent someone from developing this preventable disease.

Use the following links to find information on your disease:

High Blood Pressure

High Blood Cholesterol

Diabetes Type 2

Heart Disease


Congestive Heart Failure



Endometrial Cancer

Breast Cancer

Prostate Cancer

Colon Cancer

Complications of Pregnancy & Reproductive Health




Gallbladder Disorders

Distorted Body Image

Eating Disorders

Low Self Esteem