Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Social Studies FACEBOOK Project
Facebook Template
Biography Center - database - use search bar to enter your person's name and find info
Student Resources - database - use search bar to enter your person's name and find info
Renaissance: ******************* Reformation:
Lorenzo de Medici ************* Martin Luther
Baldassare Castiglione ************* William Tyndale
Isabella D'este ************* Pope Leo X
Raphael Sanzio ***************** Charles V
Leonardo da Vinci ********Prince Frederick the Wise of Saxony
Michaelangelo Buonarroti ******** Henry VIII
Sofonisba Anguissola ********* Catherine of Aragon
Artemisia Gentileschi ********** Anne Boleyn
Francesco Petrarch ********** Queen Elizabeth I
Giovanni Boccaccio *********** Huldrych Zwingli
Niccolo Machiavelli *********** John Calvin
Vittoria Colonna ************** Katherine Zell
Albert Durer ***************** Ignatious of Loyola
Jan van Eyck ******************* Pope Paul III
Pieter Bruegel ********************* Pope Paul IV
Dante Alighieri *****************Queen Mary (Mary Tudor)
Desiderious Erasmus ************Filippo Brunelleschi
Thomas More ***************Montezuma II (15th-16th Century)
Christine de Pizan ************Christopher Columbus
William Shakespeare ********Hernan Cortes
Johann Gutenberg ***********Ferdinand Magellan
Vasco da Gama *************Bartolme de las Casas